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Friday, September 30, 2011

Nielsen Home Scan Accepting Applications

Neilsen has made it a little bit easier to get into their awesome Home Scan program! You no longer need a Land Line in order to be accepted! Neilsen is  currently accepting applications for their Home  Scan Panel. What is the Home Scan Panel? Well it’s actually rather simple: If chosen, you will receive the Scanner shown below and all you have to do is scan your groceries at least once a week! You will have to upload the results to your computer and have them sent to Neilsen every week but it literally takes maybe a minute and then you are done!

In return for your data they give you points to redeem cash and prizes!  All you have to do is scan your groceries every week  I personally enjoy this program and would recommend it to anyone willing to take a few extra moments after shopping to do this.

A NOTE: Neilsen is quite particular when accepting applications. If you don’t get a scanner right away; they may put you on the waiting list and you will be next in line!

Apply here!

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